German Model Martina Blonde, who identifies as black after undergoing radical tanning injections, claimed she was 29 but now childhood photos suggest she’s actually 40.
Her photographs were revealed by German newspaper Bild and claim the other children in it were born in either 1977 or 1978. If the snaps are authentic Martina who can be seen standing up and wearing a light coloured top would be at least 40 years-old.

Previously the naturally light-skinned and blonde ex-flight attendant from the German Eifel region claimed that her hair suddenly changed. Martina wrote: “I was at my African hairdresser to change my extension.

“After taking out my extension I noticed how much my hair structure of my own hair has changed. I compared my hair with the hair of the other Africans in the salon.”
She has vowed to ger ‘darker and darker, ‘She added: “They are identical to mine.”
According to Martina, it is “the clear proof that I’m a real black woman now.”
Martina dubbed her transformation into a black woman “an internal one” that changed her whole body.
She also claims that besides her hair, her eyes have also changed colour and now look more like those of African women.

Martina wrote: “These are just a few examples of the most obvious changes.Many of my changes are very slow, but continuous. If my transformation continues to be so good, I will soon be identical to other black women. You can not imagine it is a great feeling to become more and more a black woman.”
Martina said her fiancee Michael, who she met at school, is her biggest supporter in life.
Michael, a beer-bellied ex-pilot who is now also taking the injections to become black, is not only Martina’s manager and style adviser, but also the love of her life.