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Child benefits in Germany: 2024 May payment dates

Kindergeld – Child benefits in Germany. Kindergeld payment in May 2024. Lots of families in Germany get child benefit (Kindergeld) every month. The Family Benefits Fund sends payments to recipients on different dates each month, based on the last digit of their Kindergeldnummer. Check to see when your payment will be deposited into your account in May 2024.

Kindergeld in Germany in 2024

In 2024, the benefit amount remains the same as the previous year, at EUR 250 per month per child. However, starting in 2025, the family allowance is set to be replaced by a brand new benefit called Kindergrundsicherung, or basic child allowance.
Read also: More money for parents in Germany: Apart from child benefits, they’re entitled to extra payments

Payment of Kindergeld child benefit in MAY 2024

Beneficiaries should expect possible delays in benefit payments due to weekends and public holidays throughout the year. In Germany, Kindergeld payments do not have fixed specific dates. Instead, the payment schedule is determined by the last digit of the Kindergeldnummer. Those with a last digit of 0 receive their payment early in the month, followed by those ending in 1, then 2, and so on. Payments for individuals with a last digit of 9 are made at the end of the month.

Here are the payment dates in May:

  • Last digit: 0 – 6 May
  • Last digit: 1 – 7 May
  • Last digit: 2 – 8 May
  • Last digit: 3 – 13 May
  • Last digit: 4 – 14 May
  • Last digit: 5 – 15 May
  • Last digit: 6 – 16 May
  • Last digit: 7 – 17 May
  • Last digit: 8 – 22 May
  • Last digit: 9 – 23 May

Addition to Kindergeld in 2024

The Kinderzuschlag, an additional benefit to Kindergeld, is a monthly supplement provided to Polish families in Germany. The amount of this supplement depends on the family’s income. Starting from January 1, 2024, low-income families can receive a child benefit of up to €292 per month, whereas it was €250 per month until the end of 2023. This child allowance is accessible to parents with moderate incomes.