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Coronavirus: Africans in Germany launch awareness campaign

Coronavirus sensitization campaign has been launched by TANG. The African Network of Germany, has started a campaign to provide information about the coronavirus disease to Africans living Germany.

Dr Sylvie Nantcha, chairperson of TANG, said the organisation launched the awareness and sensitisation campaign as its contribution to national efforts to contain the spread of the disease.

This is a means to mobilise community associations to inform their members properly about the coronavirus and the efforts the government is making to curtail it. They have taken up the hashtag Coronavirus TANG #Telefonaktion.

TANG said in a statement that the campaign had already reached 28 community associations in its first day.

“All those we have called so far were happy to be informed in German, English, French, Foula, Malenka, Susu, Pidgin and other African languages,” the organisation said.

The information provided is sourced from the federal government and the Robert Koch Institute that heads Germany’s centre for disease control. Africans in Germany are also advised to check on information and advisories issued by their local and state governments

TANG generally advises that:

  • Personal contacts should be avoided as much as possible since one cannot know for certain who is infected or not as most infected persons do not show any symptoms. This is valid for children as well. Children playgrounds are closed and should not be visited by children
  • Avoid shaking hands
  • Gathering in churches, mosques or synagogues is banned
  • Private travels within Germany is not allowed
  • Gathering of persons in private groups or for meetings of associations is banned. People should not think that because they don’t have to go to work they can gather privately as the risks of infection are always present
  • People should regularly wash their hands or use an alcohol-based hand sanitiser that contains at least 60% alcohol, and wash with soap and water as soon as possible
  • People should maintain at least 2 meter distance from one another
  • Avoid close contact with anyone that has fever and cough
  • People should avoid openly coughing and sneezing. When coughing or sneezing, cover mouth and nose with flexed elbow or tissue. Throw away tissue immediately and wash your hands
  • People with symptoms such as coughing, fever and sore throat and have difficulty breathing should contact the emergency service to be tested
  • People living in groups or hostels should be very careful to avoid being infected. They should observe one another for any signs of possible infection
  • People should disregard fake news such as that Africans are immune to the coronavirus as several Africans have died of the disease in Europe.

The action aims to reach 7000 people and 700 associations of Africans in Germany and will run until the end of April.

For more information about The African Network of Germany (TANG) check out